Malika Aït-Mohamed Parent
– Anti-Corruption Expert, Fellow at the International Anti-Corruption Academy Austria and GenevaSpecialized in the fight against corruption in the aid sector, she is an International speaker (122+ conferences across continents), Investigator, ISO 37001 Auditor, Frequent Visiting Faculty at the International Anti-Corruption Academy (Austria), and Faculty Member of the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Centre, Geneva. She is also Vice-Chair of the UNHCR ‘Independent Audit and Oversight Committee’ and member of the ILO ‘Independent Oversight Advisory Committee’. Chair of the ICRC -IFRC Joint Statutes Commission, she also acts as expert for the INGO Compliance network.
As humanitarian actor, Malika started as volunteer at the French Red Cross mid 80’, and worked at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (1995-2016) in different capacities including Head of Operations in Middle-East North Africa, Chief of Staff for three successive Secretary Generals and also Under-Secretary General.