Prof. Nicolas Levrat
– Professor, University of Geneva– Director GSI
Teaching and research activities: Teaching activities: European law, local and regional authorities and European integration, federalism and democracy in Europe, law of international organisations.
Research activities: European institutions, judicial remedies in the European Union, the status of public authorities in Europe, law of minority groups, cross-border cooperation, the governance of complex institutional systems, Swiss- Europe relations.
Founding Director of the Global Studies Institute, Member of the Centre de droit international and the Centre de droit public at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, co-founder of the Réseau d’études des normes transfrontalières et inter-territoriales (RENTI), member of the academic council of the doctoral school “Globalisation Europe and Multilateralism” (GEM), co-director of the Ecole doctorale Suisse sur les fondements du droit européen et international, member of the editorial board of the Revue belge de droit international, member of the steering committee of the journal EU-Topias, member of the steering committee of the Centre européen de la culture and Vice-president of the Rencontres internationals de Genève.