Robert Weibel
– CEO Founder of the Centre for European Negotiation and Decision-Making (CENAD)CEO Founder of the Centre for European Negotiation and Decision-Making (CENAD), Brussels, he has completed over 2200 missions for over 100 governments and IOs involving delegates from over 90% of the world’s countries on negotiation (international, institutional, political, humanitarian and business), mediation/conflict resolution, chairing/presidency techniques, diplomacy and crisis management.
Internationally there has been close cooperation at HQ and field levels with major International Organisations: UN (UNHCR, ITC, WHO, WFP, UNCTAD, INC/UNFCCC, INC/D, WMO, UNAIDS, OCHA, UNAMI, ILO, UNSSC, UNSSD, IOM), NATO, BIS, the Council of Europe (Strasbourg), OSCE, Global Fund, ICRC, MSF, GAVI, Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN) as well as numerous civil society entities. He has engaged intensively in diplomatic activities worldwide since 1987, and led negotiation training consultancies for major international pharmaceutical, food, engineering, banking and crop science industrial companies.
At EU level, Robert has worked closely with 41 EU Council Presidencies and trained over 60 ministers as well as several thousand chairpersons, heads of delegations and coordinators; 24 member states call upon his services regularly as do the 3 European Institutions, several EU Agencies, External Action Service (EEAS), ECB and European Supervisory Authorities. Finally, he has conducted the European Diplomatic Programme (EDP) negotiation module every year since 2001.