Prof. Sandra Lavenex
– Professor of Political Science, University of GenevaSandra Lavenex is Professor of European and International Politics at the University of Geneva and Visiting Professor at the College of Europe. Her research focuses on European and international migration policy, EU external relations, and international institutions more broadly. She obtained her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence in 2009 and has since held positions at the Universities of Zurich, Bern, Lucerne and now Geneva. She joined the College of Europe in 2007 and has acted as external advisor for the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Swiss Government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Sandra Lavenex has published widely on EU asylum/immigration policies and justice and home affairs more generally; on the projection of EU rules and norms to third countries and international institutions; and on democratic governance in the international realm. Her more recent research projects have focused on comparative regional migration governance (worldwide), the nexus of trade and migration policy, international cooperation on migration, as well as the question how far and under which conditions emerging countries evolve from rule-takers to rule-makers, sharing the EU’s and US status as global regulators in different policy fields.