International Geneva in a changing global governance, by Mr. Jonas Pasquier, 4 December 2024

We have the pleasure to invite you to the conference « International Geneva in a changing global governance » organized in the context of the Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance (MEIG Programme) of the University of Geneva.
The conference will take place on 4 December 2024, 2:15-4:00 pm at the University of Geneva, building Uni Mail, Bd du Pont d’Arve 40, CH – 1211 Genève 4, 5th floor, room M5050.
The conference will be given by Mr. Jonas Pasquier, Head of Global Affairs at the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva:

Mr. Jonas Pasquier has been serving as Head of Global Affairs at the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva since 2021. He leads a team of ten people who cover both transversal issues such as peace/security, health, environment or digital policy and Geneva-based specialized organizations. Mr. Pasquier also serves as Deputy Head of the Multilateral Division of the Swiss mission in Geneva, which also includes focuses on disarmament, human rights and humanitarian affairs.
Through his portfolio, Mr. Pasquier possesses a 360-view of current multilateral negotiation processes in different fora and of political affairs in multilateral settings. He also supports Switzerland bilateral cooperation with a wild array of partners and as the Host-State to international organizations in Geneva.
Prior to this, Mr. Pasquier spent four years at the Mission of Switzerland at the UN in New York, where he led the political section and the Security Council team. His tasks included the planning of Switzerland’s preparations in New York towards its first-ever seat on the Security Council in 2023-2024 as well as covering the most pressing political and peace and security matters, in particular in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the Sahel. Mr. Pasquier’s diplomatic carreer also includes postings in Berlin (2012-2013) and in Bern (2013-2017) where he dealt with Human Rights policy towards multilateral fora and Eastern Europe/Central Asia.
A geopolitical and global governance specialist, Mr. Pasquier held previous positions at the Swiss Parliament and at the University of Geneva, where he oversaw the development of summer schools and other partnerships with international organizations as well as worked on different students exchange schemes. Mr. Pasquier holds a Master in Political science from the Geneva Graduate Institute, where he specialized in securitization and negotiation theory. He also holds a MA degree from the University of Geneva with a focus on Modern History and Latin-American studies which culminated with a thesis on the independence movement in Argentina and the building of Argentinean nationalism.