MEIG Highlights

With the MEIG Highlights you are informed about a broad range of currently discussed governance topics. Enjoy the reading!

Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 38/2021 – COP26: China-USA Joint Agreement to regulate temperature rise and limit greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

Cyril Yemofio, 27 December 2021 Bob Proctor once said that cooperation is always more powerful than competition. The United States […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 37/2021 – What should be the future of UN peacekeeping missions?

Jake Van Grieken, 14 December 2021 Peacekeeping missions have always been an integral part of the United Nations’ functioning. They […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 36/2021 –Indira Point- A Chapter from the history of Climate Induced Migration

Naga Anagha Lakshmi Palaparthy, 10 December 2021 “There is an issue that will define the continuity  of this century more […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 35/2021 – Seized and missed opportunities during the African Union-European Union Ministers of Foreign Affairs meeting

Edem Kodzovi Medzinyue, 9 December 2021 The African Union (AU) – European Union (EU) Ministers of Foreign Affairs meeting took […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 34/2021 – Did COP26 save our planet?

Samuel Duelli, 7 December 2021 COP26 was opened in Glasgow on 31 October 2021 and closed on 13 November 2021, […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 33/2021 – Some thoughts on new lockdown restrictions for unvaccinated persons

Tamari Mtchedlidze, 6 décembre 2021 Amid the pandemic, different countries introduce various measures in order to effectively deal with Covid-19. […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 32/2021 – Salus populi suprema lex esto

Vidhya Kumarswamy, 30 November 2021 Image source : As U.S. approves booster shots, just 3.5% vaccinated in Africa. More than […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 31/2021 – The Poland-Belarus Border Turmoil: A Morbid Negotiation for Lives and Livelihoods

Sruthee Sankara Ram, 29 November 2021 The Poland-Belarus border has been a site of great commotion and tension in the […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 30/2021 – The election of the UN Secretary General. Can we still hope in a more democratic and fair selection process?

Annalisa Baruffi, 18 November 2021 The new Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, began his mandate on 1 […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 29/2021 – If we all talked to COP26: Make Urban Mobility Sustainable

Vidhya Kumarswamy, 17 November 2021 “To all of you who choose to look the other way every day because you […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 28/2021 – Does the current proposal of establishing a European Union carbon border adjustment mechanism comply with WTO rules?

Samuel Duelli, 12 November 2021 On 14 July 2021, after consulting citizens, experts and third-country representatives, the European Commission submitted […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 27/2021 –The UAE contribution to the eradication of hunger and food insecurity in developing countries

Hayat Hassan Ali Alhosani, 10 November 2021 The second sustainable development goal, « End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 26/2021 – Can we legalize extrajudicial push-back of asylum-seekers? The example of Poland

Béatrice Jotterand, 2 novembre 2021 On October 14th 2021, the Polish parliament adopted a law authorizing polish authorities to « push-back » […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 25/2021 – A 13-year prison sentence for the pro-migrant Italian mayor Domenico Lucano : the endless conundrum on lawfulness and justice.

Chiara Camoletto, 21 October 2021 Last week, the tiny village of Riace, in the Southern region of Calabria, has once […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 24/2021 – U.S.A. arsenal captured by Taliban, a new market for arms trafficking?

Jérémy Sébastien Aron, 12 October 2021 Summer 2021 will be remembered as a dark chapter in the history of Afghanistan. […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 23/2021 – Calling a migrant influx a “security attack” and migrants mere “instruments” risks normalizing avoidance of international commitments

Boris Ohanyan, 24 August 2021 On 21 June 2021, the European Union imposed restrictive measures against 78 Belarusian individuals and […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 22/2021 – Biden-Putin summit: the responsibilities of major countries for common peace and security

You Chu, 1 July 2021 The “International Geneva” is not just a slogan of the Swiss diplomatic policy. Geneva has […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 21/2021 – Pacific Islands Forum Issue-End of Pacific regionalism?

Chloe Abraham, 9 June 2021 The Pacific Islands Forum is a regional inter-governmental organization to strengthen the relations between Pacific […]

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Latest News, MEIG Highlights

Highlight 20/2021 – A Different Perspective on Arms Control: from a Quantitative to a Qualitative Approach

Gustavo Rodriguez Nunez, 31 May 2021 The 20th Century, witnessed an unprecedented use of Weapons of Mass Destruction which led […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 19/2021 – Sustainability of SDGs : What is next?

Yelena Minasyan, 21 May 2021 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the UN Member States in 2015 has […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 18/2021 – EU policies of migration management in Afghanistan

Soman Fahim, 19 May 2021 Four decades of conflict, economic hardship, and natural disasters have resulted in the displacement of […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 17/2021 – The Fallout of Ethnic Federalism

Luc Willis, 12 May 2021 In the past few years, Ethiopia experienced an economic boom while emerging as one of […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 16/2021 – Climate change: Walk the talk!

Maheshwar Mani Tripathi, 30 April 2021 Mt. Everest, the only place on earth which penetrates the stratosphere, is known for […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 15/2021 – Sustainable Tourism: The End of Travelling as We Knew It

Rosa Jorba, 23 April 2021 According to the World Tourism Organization, sustainable tourism is “tourism that takes full account of its current […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 14/2021 – Monetary policy and climate change

Yerlan Danenov, 16 April 2021 Climate change has become a significant structural element shaping the state of the global economy, […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 13/2021 – The Conference on the Future of Europe: a window of opportunity to strengthen EU-level democracy

Mathilde Bargé, 8 April 2021 On the 10th March 2021, David Sassoli (European Parliament President), Ursula von der Leyen (Commission President) and, […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 12/2021 – The EU-China Landmark Geographical Indications Agreement: a breakthrough to improve trade development and intellectual property protection

You Chu, 6 April 2021 (Source: Ministry of Commerce P.R. China, available at After eight-years of negotiations, the EU-China […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 11/2021 – COVID Containment in Africa – The Ugandan Model

Dennis Tumukunde, 26 March 2021 The Corona Virus Disease (COVID19) that hit the world in late 2019 has affected millions […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 10/2021 – The EU Digital Green Pass: the path to freedom or an infringement of the freedom of movement of persons?

Mathilde Bargé, 18 March 2021 The sudden reappearance of national borders within the European Union because of travel restrictions, quarantines, […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 9/2021 – Scientific Cooperation Is the Key to Achieving SDGs

Mend-Amar Biniye, 12 March 2021 About 70 thousand years ago, we started to distinguish ourselves from primates by possessing knowledge. […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 8/2021 – Why do we need fisheries management to protect our oceans?

Sheilla Baldeon, 8 March 2021 The ocean has produced approximately US$2.5 trillion in goods and services each year promoting economy […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 7/2021 – The Swiss Referendum on EFTA-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement

Cerya Paramita, 5 March 2021 This 7th of March, the Swiss people will cast their vote in a referendum to […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 6/2021 – Vaccine Diplomacy in the Era of COVID-19

Tony Outhaithip, 1 March 2021 It has been more than a year since the Corona virus started to infect people […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 5/2021 – Transparency in Sustainable Finance

Takhmina Nasimova, 25 February 2021 Sustainable Finance generally refers to the process of considering the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 4/2021 – Strengthening the International Health Regulations to Meet Future Challenges: Lessons from Covid-19

Cerya Paramita, 4 February 2021 The leading international legal framework to control infectious disease was created in 1969 when the […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 3/2021 – EU’s Human Rights Sanctions Regime: Symbolic or Effective Governance Tool?

Boris Ohanyan, 29 January 2021 In its foreign and security policy, the EU is increasingly using the tool of thematic […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 2/2021 – 5th Anniversary of the Paris Agreement: Where Are We Now?

Ana Tskipurishvili, 21 January 2021 12 December 2020 marked the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, signed by nearly 200 […]

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MEIG Highlights

Highlight 1/2021 – Blockchain, A Future Tool To Disrupt Corruption

Théophile Troude, 19 January 2021 Some of the main functions of government institutions include the redistribution of resources and the […]

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