Message from the Director
Welcome to the MEIG Programme!
We are delighted by your interest in our areas of specialisation and studies. Todays’ globalized world presents challenges of a magnitude never seen before, such as climate change, mass migrations, systemic risk of the trade system, internet governance, worldwide pandemia and new types of security threats to international peace.
We are certain that the need for education and expertise in these fields is essential and will continue to grow in today’s society.
By pooling University of Geneva’s and UNOG’s capacities and resources, the Geneva-based Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance is placed to meet these challenges and offer a 10-month programme on governance issues taking into consideration the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their implementation at worldwide scale. Our programme is specifically designed for graduates and professionals working or willing to work in national, European or international organisations, national administrations, NGOs and companies from the private sector.
We look forward to welcoming you in Geneva.
Prof. Christine Kaddous
Founder and Director of the MEIG Programme