The European Union as an international diplomatic actor – The CEJE is part of the new Jean Monnet Network!

The Jean Monnet Network “EUDIPLO” has been selected by the European Commission. It is a new international project bringing together academics and practitioners.
The acronym stands for “The European Union in International Diplomatic Relations”. The network has been established by the University of Groningen (Prof. Dr. Ramses Wessel, coordinator), the University of Pisa (Prof. Dr. Sara Poli), Leuven University (Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters) and the University of Geneva (Prof. Dr. Christine Kaddous). It involves academics and practitioners from all over the world. It aims at examining EU activities with third States and international organisations to assess the challenges and opportunities of the European Union as a international diplomatic actor.
The Centre d’études juridiques européennes (CEJE) is a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. The selection of the EUDIPLO Jean Monnet Network enhances the global reach of the Center and of its members in teaching and research in EU law as well as in European and International governance.